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Go Zambia: A healthcare collaboration

Mothers of Africa   .   05:03

Mothers of Africa Trustee Dr Job Mwanza describes the impact the charity has had in Chongwe, Zambia, including the work the Welsh Government has funded, through the charity, to support the battle with Coronavirus and COVID-19.

Lighting up homework time

Mothers of Africa   .   02:28

Learners at Shiyala Primary School in Chongwe, Zambia, say "thank you" to The International School of Monaco for their donation of Little Sun lamps. These personal solar devices will help the children with their studies once the sun has gone down.

Keeping children safe and girls in school

Mothers of Africa   .   03:09

Mrs Noriah Buleya describes the work her sewing group has undertaken to help protect children and hospital staff from Coronavirus by making thousands of facemasks. The work was funded by the Welsh Government through the charity Mothers of Africa.

Opening of Zambian Hospital in COVID-19

Mothers of Africa   .   02:01

The video describes a Mothers of Africa project, funded by the Welsh Government's Wales and Africa Grant Scheme, to reopen the Chongwe District General Hospital, Zambia, to the general population by creating safe pathways for COVID-19 and non-COVID patients, so eliminating the risk of cross-infection in the hospital.

Getting Back to School in Zambia

Mothers of Africa   .   02:26

Professor Judith Hall, founder of the charity Mothers of Africa, presents a project, funded by the Welsh Government's Wales and Africa Grant Scheme, which is helping to get children back to school in the Chongwe District of Zambia, during the COVID-19 pandemic and leaves a legacy for a group of women in this community.

Shiyala Nurse: Margaret's story

Mothers of Africa   .   02:50

"Margaret is the nurse in charge of the Shiyala village health post in rural Zambia. Here, she describes some of the challenges women face bringing new life into the world.”

Life at Shiyala School, Zambia

Evergreen School Build

Mothers of Africa   .   04:56

In 2019 Mothers of Africa commissioned Caukin Studio to design and build four additional classrooms at Evergreen School in rural Zambia. They were helped by volunteer participants and a local (paid) workforce of equal men and women. Rachel was one of the local workers. Here, she describes some of the challenges facing rural Zambian children, and in particular girls, seeking to improve their lives through education.

Making A Difference: Volunteer

Mothers of Africa   .   

Participants share their experience of working on the Evergreen School classroom build

Leave a Legacy: Education 

Mothers of Africa   .   01:39

Create Something that will last forever. 

Shiyala Primary School, Chongwe, Zambia  

Mothers of Africa   .   05:43

Charity founder, Professor Judith Hall gives a guided tour of Shiyala Primary School. 

The Road to Shiyala Primary School: 

Mothers of Africa   .   05:59

Charity founder, Professor Judith Hall tells the story of why Mothers of Africa came to build the Primary School for Shiyala Community in rural Zambia.

Christabel's Story

Mothers of Africa     .     03:11

Dr. Christabel Mbüza, Senior Resident Medical Officer at Chongwe District Hospital, Zambia. In an interview with Mothers of Africa, Dr. Mbüza describes the problems teenage girls and women face when giving birth in the bush and the long distances they must travel to reach a hospital. Christabel also explains the lack of education of many of the teenage mothers and the vulnerability this produces. 

Shiyala School Build and Vacation School

Mothers of Africa     .     06:57

A beautiful video showing photos of the second phase build of Shiyala School in Zambia and the August 2017 vacation school. We are pleased to feature the volunteer students from Global Opportunities, Cardiff University, staff from Orkidstudio, the local workforce, teaching staff and Mothers of Africa, Monaco volunteers. A fantastic end to 2017.

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