Our Major Supporters
Le Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
Direction de là Coopération International (Department of International Cooperation) Under the auspices of this department, Mothers of Africa Monaco is classified as an OSI (Organisme de Solidarité International – International Solidarity Organisation) and we receive regular training in many subjects relevant to running our association.
We are extremely honoured to have received a substantial grant towards the build Nursery School in Shiyala, Zambia
Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports (the Monaco
Department Education, Youth and Sport) DENJS
This department works with Monaco charities, including Mothers of Africa, to raise awareness with the public but especially with Monaco schoolchildren, of the difficulties encountered by millions of disadvantaged children in the world today. The work revolves around the International Day of the Child (JIDE - Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant) every November 20th. Mothers of Africa are one of several charities going into Monaco Schools to lead informative, educational and interactive sessions with 10 year olds, talking about and encouraging questions on the lives of millions of underprivileged children, and to show that we can all make a difference. For many years we have also participated in fun, charitable and fundraising activities for children backed by the DENJS at the Grimaldi Forum on the 20th of November to raise awareness, and bring in funds, in collaboration with many local businesses. We are most grateful to the DENJS for its support for children's charities and its generous donations to Mothers of Africa.
The Wales and Africa project is Wales' response to a global call from the United Nations to make the world a better place. The Sustainable Development Goals require that we all try to eradicate poverty, promote health; sustain the environment. Mothers of Africa are proud to have been part of the Wales and Africa programme about 20 years. We are grateful to have received funding for our health and education projects in Africa.
Wales and Africa have supported Welsh people to travel to share our Welsh quality education agenda in communities, hospitals and clinics. We've been supported to carry out Arts and Craft projects, Summer Schools, clinical teaching: empowering and enabling local people. Mothers of Africa recognise that the people of both Wales and Africa are winners here through shared learning. We are deeply indebted to Wales and Africa, and the people of Wales.
We thank Children and Future for their generous contribution to our End Period Poverty campaign.
This Monaco charity run by volunteers raises money every year by organising and running the No Finish Line event (NFL - https://childrenandfuture.com/no-finish-line/ ) This is a fundraiser walk or run on a circuit in Monaco and for each kilometre covered the charity Children and Future donates 1 euro to support charitable projects helping underprivileged or sick children.
With thousands of people participating, hundreds of thousands of euros are raised. NFL is organised to coincide with November 20th, the International Day of the Child (JIDE - Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant). In 2022 the NFL was run between 12th and 20th November, with a Mothers of Africa team taking part.
at ISM is to provide an outstanding education for students so that they are happy, confident, independant, multilingual and responsible global citizens. We are very grateful to work with the early year and primary school classes and also the philanthropy Club